Antistatic CFRP Carbon Fibre - ESD Flooring System

Floor Hardening, Leveling, & Bridge Bearing Epoxy Grouting in Abu Dhabi

Antistatic CFRP Carbon Fibre - ESD Flooring System

If you need top-quality antistatic CFRP carbon fibre ESD flooring systems, then Floor 2 Terrace in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, is your first choice. Our expertise in epoxy flooring ensures that we deliver durable flooring solutions of the highest quality to suit all your needs.

Carbon Fibre Plate & Wrap Application

Our carbon fibre plate & wrap application is a reinforcement and protection method for a flooring system. This introduction helps to reinforce the structural integrity of a floor. concrete floors, steel deck slabs, or other substrates so that they can withstand chemical corrosion (more easily than metal), external shock (including dropping weights from the third story through the Independence Day parade), and any other environmental factors. Carbon fibre wraps offer support for a variety of forms fastened directly with epoxy to our ESD floors.

Antistatic (ESD) Flooring

Our antistatic (ESD) flooring is manufactured to prevent the buildup of static electricity. This is a perfect alternative for all kinds of sensitive facilities, from laboratories and electronic assembly areas to food packaging businesses. The conductive or dissipative properties of our ESD flooring make sure that any accumulated charge can be safely and efficiently dispersed, in order to protect both equipment operators.

Floor Hardening, Leveling, & Bridge Bearing Epoxy Grouting in Abu Dhabi
Floor Hardening, Leveling, & Bridge Bearing Epoxy Grouting in Abu Dhabi

Carbon Fibre Wrap System

The carbon fibre wrap system we provide is also very practical when it comes to durability and reliability. Just a few centimetres thick, this system has both of these qualities. It is light as well, so it has no problem coping with a range of different applications. Our carbon fibre wraps are antistatic, ensuring that your floors remain free of static electricity. ESD Flooring Our ESD flooring, Antistatic (as Mark originally intended), is engineered specifically to prevent the buildup of static electricity. This makes it suitable for all types of sensitive environments, from laboratories to assembling electronics. The conductive dissipative properties in our ESD flooring work as a safety valve to ensure that any static charge is both safely and effectively discharged, protecting both equipment operators.

Why choose us

Expertise and Experience: By developing our skills and knowledge in the industry over many years, Floor 2 Terrace has fine-tuned its own special brand of exemplary flooring solutions.

Quality Materials: For longevity and consistent performance in all our products, including carbon fibre wraps and epoxy flooring such as that of our own manufacture – we use only the very best materials available.

Customer Satisfaction: We aim to provide you with an entirely hassle-free service and undertake all the nitty-gritty throughout the length of your stay.

Innovative Solutions: We keep track of current industry trends and the latest technologies to offer real (or at least up-to-date) flooring systems that are both innovative and practical.

Floor Hardening, Leveling, & Bridge Bearing Epoxy Grouting in Abu Dhabi


Epoxy flooring is a type of flooring system that uses epoxy resin to create a durable, seamless, and chemical-resistant surface. It is widely used in industrial and commercial environments due to its robustness and ease of maintenance.

A conductor in ESD flooring refers to a material that allows the safe dissipation of static electricity. This ensures that static charges do not accumulate on the surface, which can be crucial in environments where static-sensitive equipment is used.

The carbon fibre wrap system provides additional strength and durability to your flooring. It enhances the structural integrity, making the floors more resistant to shocks, chemicals, and other environmental stresses.

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